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Hi, I'm
  • Ganesh

I am a
  • fullstack developer
  • tech writer
  • opensource enthusiast

I'm a passionate opensource contributor, who developed web, mobile and desktop application, experienced in working with APIs, build, tests and production deployment.

I'm also a tech writer who writes articles on web development, software development, and open source.

code's image
HTML5 circle CSS3 circle Bootstrap circle Python circle Javascript circle Django circle Docker circle React circle Tailwind circle Express circle Node circle SQLite circle Heroku circle Netlify circle Git


GitHub Showcase

Github showcase here you can find the best code samples and projects that you need as web developer.

Nike Shoe App

E-commerce Nike Shoe web App build with React and Tailwind CSS.


Self Portfolio website built with HTML, CSS and javascript.

FullStack Cat App

FullStack Cat application using javaScript and Firebase. User can perform CRUD operations on web app.

MovieX Application

MovieX application using React and movie DB api. User can get movie information with name and description.

Python Text Editor

Text editor is software application for editing plain text.


Portfolio-Resume builder dynamically generates a personal resume and portfolio for people(users).


ChryzHub Blogs is a blogging platform for technical writers and developers.


A simple todo web application with a simple and intuitive UI with CRUD operations. Built with Django and React.


A conference management system with real world scenarios architectural design(API endpoints available).
Get in touch
Email me