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Hi, I'm
  • Ganesh

I am a
  • fullstack developer
  • tech writer
  • DevRel

I'm a passionate opensource contributor, who developed web, mobile and desktop application, experienced in working with APIs, build, tests and production deployment.

I'm also a tech writer who writes articles on web development, software development, and open source.

code's image
React circle Tailwind circle Redux circle Next circle TypeScript circle Node circle Docker circle Git circle Psql circle AWS circle


Nike Shoe App

E-commerce static Nike product Shoe web App build with React and Tailwind CSS.

Blog Application

Opensource next-tailwind theme personal blog application. Built with Contentlayer for markdown support and Nextjs.

Profile Builder

This is Profile builder built with mongoDB, Node, Express and deploy on AWS beanstalk.

FullStack Cat App

FullStack Cat application using javaScript and Firebase. User can perform CRUD operations on web app.

MovieX Application

MovieX application using React and movie DB api. User can get movie information with name and description.

Expense Tracker

Track your every expense with this budget tracker application using React and Bootstrap. User can manage and track expense history.
Get in touch
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